Jumbo at the age of 1


Jumbo is the World Record Yearling since 2012.

Jumbo official hard antler green score was 411″@ 1 and after 6 1/2 month drying period he officially scored 395 6/8″ at NADeFA in 2013. As of 2019 Jumbo is still holding the World Record Yearling official score at NADeFA.

Jumbo has became Rocky Ridge Whitetails most proven super sire. The last 3 years Rocky Ridge’s largest and highest selling stocker bucks each year were Jumbo sons.

JUMBO has become a true proven Super Sire in our industry and produced the World Record 3 year old. He is producing some of the biggest young sires in the industry today. In 2017 Jumbo sons won first place at NADeFA as the largest mainframe yearling and the largest mainframe 2 year old. In 2016 and 2017 three of Jumbo’s yearling sons won awards at NADeFA in the highest scoring yearling contest. In 2017 the longest mainbeam yearling scored at NADeFA was a Jumbo Son. In 2016 and 2017 two of Jumbo’s 2 year old sons won awards at NADEFA in the highest scoring 2 year old contest. In 2016 Jumbo produced the widest yearling ever on record with a 36½” IS. Jumbo also had two 3 year old sons over 40” IS. Jumbo daughters are also proving themselves as producing big and framey sons. Jumbo has produced the biggest bucks at Rocky Ridge Whitetails and he produced Rocky Ridge Whitetails highest selling stocker bucks 4 years in a row. Jumbo is deceased and only a limited amount of semen left.

Jumbo Pedigree

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