Deer Breeding and Genetics | Lancaster County, PA
Rocky Ridge Whitetails started their whitetail deer farm in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania in 1997. Year after year, they are steadily improving their whitetail genetics. Owners John Ervin and Mary Ann Stoltzfus are dedicated full-time deer farmers. Rocky Ridge Whitetails is consistently raising some of the world’s largest typical and nontypical whitetails and has received 100+ awards to date from the Deer Breeders Cooperative (DBC) Golden Buck and the North American Deer Farmers Association (NADeFA) antler scoring contests. Rocky Ridge Whitetails has also raised the World Record yearling whitetail buck and the World Record three-year-old whitetail buck. For any questions about their whitetail deer, please click the link below for more information.
Breeder Buck Headliners

Whitetail Does
Rocky Ridge Whitetails has doe fawns, open does and bred does for sale. All Rocky Ridge Whitetail does are DNA-pedigreed and registered with North American Deer Registry (NADR). Rocky Ridge Whitetails has some of the deepest-stacked DNA-pedigreed and registered does you will find anywhere, as well as an excellent track record of proven anchor does. In 2015, Rocky Ridge Whitetails accomplished an industry “first” by completing a full six-generation DNA registration form and verification certificate for 63 DNA’d deer. Rocky Ridge Whitetails is a firm believer that the doe is as much, or perhaps even more important, than the sire she is bred to for quality antler production.
About Rocky Ridge
Rocky Ridge Whitetails is a family-owned operation that started breeding whitetail deer in 1997. They are consistently working to improve the quality of their whitetail deer by emphasizing genetic selection for antler size, characteristics and overall herd health along with codon markers and 50K GEBV in their DNA. Rocky Ridge Whitetails has received 100+ awards to date from the Deer Breeders Cooperative (DBC) and the North American Deer Farmers Association (NADeFA) antler scoring contests.